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Shropshire Abbeys

Whiteladies Priory

Built on the grounds of a medieval nunnery, it was to White Ladies that Charles II then a Prince was first taken, after fleeing from Worcester. He arrived at White Ladies Priory on Thursday 4th September 1651 after riding throughout the night and was admitted by a servant of the house named George Penderel.

The name 'White Ladies' refers to the nuns who lived there who wore white (undyed) habits.

Whilst the large timber-framed nunnery has now gone, the remains of the nunneries medieval church, and the nineteenth boundary wall of the small graveyard still remain.

In 1535 White Ladies Priory was valued at having an annual income of less than £17 and, owing to an Act of Parliament in 1536 it was shut as its annual value was less than the £200 needed to keep the Priory open.

The Priory is located close to Boscobel House (which grounds include the famous Royal Oak), which is about a mile up the road, where Charles II briefly stayed.

The Priory is also rumoured to be where Queen Guinevere retired to after the death of King Arthur.

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