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Clun Castle

Clun Bridge
Packhorse Bridge, Clun

Clun Green Man Festival
Clun Green Man Festival


"Clunton and Clunbury, Clungunford and Clun are the quietest places under the sun" A. E. Housman.

The charming town in miniature of Clun lies in a stunning beautiful valley in the Clun Forest. The Forest is however largely treeless - presumably to confuse the visitor.

Clun was built around a 14th Century packhorse bridge with alcoves for pedestrians to avoid being run over.

"twill sharpen your wits to cross Clun bridge"

On an earlier Motte and Bailey site the atmospheric ruins of the Norman Clun Castle rises above the town. The Trinity Hospital and Almshouses are Jacobean with 2 quadrangles. Built in 1614 to provide "charitable accommodation to 12 men of good character" - still does so today.

Very peaceful, very pretty and walks galore with Offa's Dyke, Caer Caradoc and Bury Ditches Hill forts nearby.

The Clun Green Man Day where The Green Man and Mr Frosty battle for supremacy takes place in Clun each year.

If you would like to visit Clun and need accommodation and are interested in finding the best hotel, guest house, bed and breakfast or self catering property, please click here.

Please click the link to view a street map of Clun

The Clun Heritage Trail leaflet is available. Please click here to download a copy.



South Shropshire Visitor Guide

This accommodation guide for the South Shropshire towns of Clun, Cleobury Mortimer, Ludlow, Church Stretton, Craven Arms and Bishops Castle is available.

Click the link to Request a South Shropshire Brochure.

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