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Stokesay Castle, Craven Arms

Craven Arms
Craven Arms
Craven Arms
Craven Arms

Craven Arms

Craven Arms - Gateway to the Marches

On the edge of the old Marcher kingdom, Craven Arms grew into an important frontier trading post between Wales and England.

Surrounded by hills, Craven Arms is the natural start point for many long distance and shorter circular walks it was almost inevitable that it also became the home of the Shropshire Hills Discovery Centre.

Here you can experience a virtual balloon ride over Shropshire and meet the Shropshire Mammoth - hairy, very hairy!!

Just out of the town is the romantic Stokesay Castle - a 13th Century fortified manor house said to be so beautiful that when attacked no-one had the heart to destroy it - Be prepared to fall in love.

If you would like to visit Craven Arms and need accommodation and are interested in finding the best hotel, guest house, bed and breakfast or self catering property, please click here.


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South Shropshire Visitor GuideThis accommodation guide for the South Shropshire towns of Clun, Cleobury Mortimer, Ludlow, Church Stretton, Craven Arms and Bishops Castle is available.

Click the link to Request a South Shropshire Brochure.



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