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Cycling in Shropshire

Cycling in Shropshire
Cycling in North Shropshire
Cycling in Shropshire
Cycling in Shropshire

Cycling in Shropshire

Cycling is one of the very best ways to soak up the Shropshire countryside and the county has developed a network of routes. They range from those suitable for families with children to the most experienced of pedal pushers.

Off-road routes include the 72 mile Jack Mytton Way, which takes in Wenlock Edge, the Long Mynd and the Welsh borders.

Cycling route maps from Shropshire County Council show detailed networks of cycle routes and information on places to visit and refreshment stops.

Cycle hire and details on cycle holidays can be obtained from Wheely Wonderful Cycling in the South of the County and Ironbridge, and Byway Breaks cover North and South Shropshire, Shrewsbury and Ironbridge.

Route 45 Bikes offer a cycle hire service on cycle route 45 between Bridgnorth and Ironbridge.

You can now visit the Shropshire Cycling website www.shropshirecycling.co.uk which has all the best cycle routes in Shropshire listed on it.

Shropshire County Council have produced a number of leaflets showing the cycle routes throughout the county. Some of these are available to download below:






Cycle Routes & Information
These documents may take a moment to load for visitors without a broadband connection. Hard copies of the above documents are available from any Shropshire Visitor Information Centre.


Further Information

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Funding Support By: ERDF - European regional Development Fund; England Rural Development Programme &  The European Regional Development Fund

This site is operated by Shropshire Tourism with funding support from the European Regional Development Fund (objective 2).


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