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Ellesmere at dusk


Boating on Ellesmere Mere
Boating on Ellesmere mere
Ellesmere Skyline
Ellesmere Wharf
Ellesmere Wharf

Ellesmere…..Nothing changes

Those ancient Britons knew a good spot when they saw it and Ellesmere met the bill. So they established a camp by the side of the magnificent glacial mere and the people started fishing, boating and walking around the shoreline admiring the view. Just as they do today…nothing changes.

Of course things have got a bit more sophisticated since then and Ellesmere has grown into a pretty market town with Medieval streets, Georgian houses and half timbered buildings. There's also a bundle of shops selling everything from antiques and gifts to exotic food.

Today's visitors are also more demanding so we've laid on a series of gentle walks that will take you from the Mere into town and along to the Llangollen canal, past the new marina or through the Arboretum and Cremorne Gardens.

You can view the wildlife from the comfort of the visitor centre using CCTV and if that's not enough there are regular festivals, antique markets and events to amuse you.

You can obtain further details from the Meres Visitor Centre on 01691 622981 or the Ellesmere Infolink on 01691 624488.

If you would like to visit Ellesmere and need accommodation and are interested in finding the best hotel, guest house, bed and breakfast or self catering property, please click here.

Please click the link to view a street map of Ellesmere






Essential Shropshire

Focusing specifically on North Shropshire, these guides highlights some of the many attractions, activities and accommodation providers in North Shropshire.

To request a copy of "Essential Shropshire" or the "North Shropshire Places to Visit" please visit the North Shropshire Brochure Request page

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