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The Iron Bridge, Shropshire

Quirky Questions

Visitor Centre Staff

Things we never thought we'd be asked!

Shropshire's Visitor Information Centre Staff are wonderful and are always ready to offer a helping hand to our willing visitors in planning their trip to our fair county.

However, on occasions it can be difficult to keep a straight face at some of the questions visitors pose us with.

A selection of the more humorous questions we have collected are detailed below for your enjoyment:

Q: Do you have any details of whale watching in Shropshire?
A: If you stand on top of the Wrekin you can see Wales

Q: What can we do that's exciting on our honeymoon?
A: (Desperately trying to keep a straight face and calm voice) What about hot air ballooning or parachuting!

Q: Will I be able to speak English in Shropshire?
A: Yes, but you may have to learn it first.

Q: Do you celebrate Christmas in Shropshire?
A: Sure, but only at Christmas

Q: Can you tell me where I can take a group of nudists around Shropshire?
A: Anywhere as long they are fully clothed!

Q: Can I freeze soup?
A: Yes if you put it in a freezer.

Q: I am going to London next week can you tell me how long the queue will be for Madame Tussauds?
A: Far too long - why not come to Shropshire instead?

Q: Do you need a visa for Wales?
A: Or a Master card would do.

Of course there are some questions that are better left unanswered, mainly because we couldn't!

Q: I'm walking down Shrewsbury High Street, can you tell me which way is north?

Q: Which side of the River Severn is the Iron Bridge on?

Q: Do the Victorians still live at Blists Hill Victorian Town?

Q: Can you tell me if it will rain at 2pm today?

Q: Can you give me a couple of bakers contact details as we are trying to have a Shrewsbury biscuit made in the shape of the FA CUP!

Q: How do you say Merry Christmas in Icelandic?

Q: Could you give me details of a campsite between Shrewsbury and Scotland please........

Q: How high above sea level is Shrewsbury cemetery?

Q: What time does the tide come in around Shrewsbury?

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