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Exploring Shropshire

Walking on the Long Mynd
Walking on the Long Mynd
Historic Shrewsbury

Explore Shropshire

Welcome to our exploring Shropshire section. Here you will find a range of car and walking trails to help you get the most from your trip to our fair county.

And since Shropshire is often said to be five different counties in one, there's plenty for you to see and do.

So for all the inside information on Tudor Shrewsbury, gourmet Ludlow, dramatic Bridgnorth; those blue remembered hills get clicking the links below and start your exploration of the nicest of England's quiet counties.

Brief Encounters

Let us share with you our Brief Encounters in Shropshire. Whether you are seeking peaceful woodland walks, the romance of steam or the gentle calm of rippling waters, these pages invite you to leave the beaten track and discover the quiet valleys, hidden hamlets and mysterious hills of our beautiful county.

Brief Encounters in Shropshire

King Arthur

Few can have failed to hear of the legend of King Arthur. However, how many know that the real King Arthur was born, lived and died in Shropshire, - Wroxeter to be precise. No, really. Perfectly sane academics make the case that he was actually a king of the Votadini tribe and that the good Lady Guinevere came from Oswestry.

Helpfully, we have provided you with a trail that will reveal the secret locations around Shropshire that used to be King Arthur's favourite haunts.

King Arthur in Shropshire Trail

Mary Webb Trail

Mary Webb was a famous novelist and poet who grew up around Shropshire and used it as the setting for six of her novels. The Mary Webb Trail takes you around some of the places that Mary Webb loved, the walks she did many times and to the locations that she wrote about.

Mary Webb Trail

Ghostly Shropshire

Spooky myths and legends from aound the county have been put into the Ghostly Shropshire Trail where you can discover phantom funerals, white ladys and enchanting ledgends.

Ghostly Shropshire Trails

Brother Cadfael Car Trails

Unspoilt and largly undiscovered, Shropshire's beautiful rolling countryside provides the perfect setting for exploration of Cadfael Country by car.

Brother Cadfael Trail

The Hidden Highway Trails

The Hidden Highway is a carefully planned road route that threads its way through the romantic borderland of England and Wales. A large proportion of the route runs through Shropshire's beautful rolling countryside.

The Hidden Highway Trails

The Hotspur & Royal Trails

These two circular walks take you around the famous Battlefield Heritage Park where on Saturday 21st of July 1403 a rebel army led by Sir Henry 'Hotspur' Percy and the Royal army of Henry IV met. The battle that followed was to be remembered for its ferocity.

The Hotspur & Royal Trails

Of course, you don't need to stick rigidly to the trails. Take your time, explore the Shropshire Landscape and look around our country towns which are truly delightful. You'll find lots of shops and attractions all waiting to be discovered. You may even like to pop into one of our award winning restaurants or pubs for a light lunch, or maybe explore our Shropshire gardens.

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Funding Support By: ERDF - European regional Development Fund; England Rural Development Programme &  The European Regional Development Fund

This site is operated by Shropshire Tourism with funding support from the European Regional Development Fund (objective 2).


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