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Swans at Whittington Castle

Bishops Castle

Bishops Castle Map
Bishops Castle

In Bishops Castle, you'll find the home of Real Ale.

Two of the town's inns - The Six Bells Brewery Tap and The Three Tuns - are home-brew inns. The Three Tuns also has a small museum of the History of Beer and Brewing. Bishop's Castle's real ale is very popular. From the town you can follow the Real Ale Trail around eight of Shropshire's home-brew inns.

If you prefer more sober pursuits, Bishops Castle has many interesting shops from traditional butchers to those selling antiques, textiles, jewellry and second-hand books. In the unusual House on Crutches Museum, exhibitors on the town's past and rural life will prepare you for your tours of the surrounding countryside.

The house itself dates from the sixteenth century.

Setting out from Bishop's Castle you'll find yourself in the hill country of the borderlands.

From Bishop's Castle you can either let Linley Beeches guide you on a short walk, climb into the Shropshire Hills for an afternoon of myth and mystery at Mitchells Fold or let the quietest places under the sun fill your day on a trip through Clunton, Clun and Bury Ditches.

Trails around Bishops Castle




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Funding Support By: ERDF - European regional Development Fund; England Rural Development Programme &  The European Regional Development Fund

This site is operated by Shropshire Tourism with funding support from the European Regional Development Fund (objective 2).

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