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Swans at Whittington Castle

Meres & Mosses

Oswestry MapWe sought out the clean blue waters of The Mere at Ellesmere, envying the herons on their island in the sun.

Old Oswestry Hill Fort beckoned us to explore its ditches and ramparts, the work of an ancient tribe. It must have seemed an almost unending task to fortify this site against their enemies.

EllesmereFrom the top there were great views of the open countryside - English to the east and Welsh to the west.

Access to Old Oswestry Hill Fort is from the Gobowen road from the town centre and then Llwyn Road.

Whittington CastleAs we drove into Whittington, the ruins of Whittington castle and its moat surprised us round a corner. We stopped to walk around the grounds and watch the swans on the water. We were reminded of a more romantic age of tournaments and combat when the hand of a lady and this castle were won by a knight.

Blake MereThe connecting canals at Welsh Frankton offered walks along their banks. But we moved on into Ellesmere and to water of a different kind. From the car park in the town, walks led through Castle Fields and the Arboretum to The Mere and beyond to Colemere. The water glistened and where tree and lake met, reflections became reality. The Mere's residents - mute swans, great crested grebes and the tall and stately herons - took little notice as we passed by.

Trails around Oswestry

Continue the Trail to Shrewsbury





Copyright © Shropshire Tourism
Funding Support By: ERDF - European regional Development Fund; England Rural Development Programme &  The European Regional Development Fund
This site is operated by Shropshire Tourism with funding support from the England Rural Development Programme and the European Regional Development Fund (objective 2).


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