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Golf in Shropshire

Golf in Shropshire

Teed Off?
Golf in Shropshire

Golf In ShropshireScotland may have invented the ancient game of golf. But it's in Shropshire, arguably, that the game can be played at its best.

Those well-know wielders of the club, Sandy Lyle and (the new European Captain for the 2006 Ryder Cup) Ian Woosnam both hail from here and honed their skills on Shropshire’s challenging courses. You can also find Hawkstone Park voted as one of the best courses in the world. No mean feat when you see the competition.

Something in the water?

Shropshire has over 30 golfing venues including:-

Golfing holidays for beginners, intermediate and club players. The nineteenth hole awaits!

There's even a golf trail around four clubs in Oswestry, details of which can be found on our Oswestry & Welsh Marches Golf Trail website.

As for those who bleat plaintively about being 'golf widows', fear not. The equally wide selection of fine shopping, restaurants and other attractions will provide a welcome distraction.

Please remember, before arriving at the golf club, telephone to confirm that play is available.

Further Information

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Funding Support By: ERDF - European regional Development Fund; England Rural Development Programme &  The European Regional Development Fund

This site is operated by Shropshire Tourism with funding support from the European Regional Development Fund (objective 2).


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