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The system of navigating the Shropshire Tourism website has been designed to be used in a number of ways.
Move the cursor of your mouse over any button in the menu and it will change color to indicate you have selected it. Slowly move the mouse until you have highlighted the menu option you wish to explore. Click the menu item you wish to explore using the left-hand button on your mouse to be linked to the relevant section of the website.
The editorial content of a page may have some words highlighted in blue. This is to signify that if clicked, it links to a page on the website relevant to that particular word. This allows you to understand exactly what sections of the site are relevant to the page you are viewing.
On certain pages and in particular the links page, there are external links that go to websites outside of the Shropshire Tourism website. Links to external websites are opened in a new window on your internet browser. This allows you to close the window containing the external website and return to the page on the Shropshire Tourism website at which you left resuming your exploration of the website.
Shropshire Tourism accepts no responsibility for the editorial content, reliability or availability of any external website, including those that are featured and have a link to them.
Any links to an external website are not used as an endorcement or recommendation.
Adobe Acrobat and accessibility:
The Shropshire Tourism Website uses Adobe Acrobat to display downloadable PDF documents. You will need to have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer. If you do not have this application currently installed on your computer, you can download a free copy to install on your computer by using the link below:
If you experience any problems whilst using the Adobe Acrobat Reader, Adobe provide a free online tool which will convert a PDF document to either HTML or ASCII text.
Adobe also provide you will advice on how to configure your Adobe Acrobat Reader. A free download of the Accessible Adobe is also available.
For information please visit the Adobe accessibility webpage:
Any documents that are downloaded are done so at your own risk and Shropshire Tourism accepts no responsibility for damage to equipment/property as a result of downloading an item.
Any documents that are downloaded are done so at your own risk and Shropshire Tourism accepts no responsibility for damage to equipment/property as a result of downloading an item.
Whilst every effort is taken to ensure the data provided on this website is accurate, Shropshire Tourism accepts no responsibility for any inaccuracies contained on these pages.
Broken Links/Problems with the Shropshire Tourism Website
If you wish to report a broken link or any other technical error on the Shropshire Tourism Website Network, please Contact Us
This website is operated by Shropshire Tourism.
• Shropshire Tourism regards privacy as important and consequently we comply with the Data Protection Act 1998.
• We will only use any personal information you send us for the purposes for which you provide it.
• We will only hold your information on our database, for as long as necessary for these purposes and we will not pass it to any other parties.
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How to change the text size of this website using your internet browser
As a default, all internet browsers display websites a relatively sized font. However, all internet browsers allow you to resize this text to one that better suits your individual requirements.
Instructions on how to change these setting on the most common types of internet browser are displayed below:
Microsoft Internet Explorer (all Windows versions):
Microsoft Internet Explorer sets the default text size to medium.
To change the text size:
- Click on 'View' in the toolbar.
- Select 'Text Size'.
- Select your text size option.
Alternatively, for those users with a mouse that contains a scroll-wheel you can hold the ‘CTRL’ key on your keyboard whilst scrolling up or down to change the font size.
Netscape (6.0/ 7.0+) / Mozilla (Firebird/Firefox/Camino):
To change the text size:
- Click on 'View' in the toolbar.
- Select 'Text Size' or 'Text Zoom' and change to your required text size.
Netscape (pre version 6.0):
To change the text size:
- Click on 'View' in the toolbar.
- Then select Increase/Decrease Font.
Alternatively you can The keyboard action for this is CTRL+
Opera users:
To change the text size:
• Click on 'File' on the toolbar.
• Click on ‘Preferences’, then (in the left-hand 'Category' section of the dialogue box) 'Documents'.
• Specify the font-size you require in the 'Minimum font size ( pixels)' option.
Apple Safari:
To change the text size:
• Click on the 'View' menu.
• Use the 'Make Text Bigger' and 'Make Text Smaller'/help/menu items to alter the relative size of the text. /P
PAlternatively you can use the option key with + or - to increase or decrease the text size. /P
p class=shropshirecola name=downloads/aDownloads/p
pYou can download the website browsers, video players, document readers etc below to assist you in viewing the Shropshire Tourism website. /p
p class=shropshirecolInternet Browsers/p
ullia href= Browser /a/li
lia href= Internet Explorer/a/li
li a href= Navigator /a/li
lia href= Browser /a/li
pAny documents that are downloaded are done so at your own risk and Shropshire Tourism accepts no responsibility for damage to equipment/property as a result of downloading an item./p
p class=shropshirecolVideo Players /p
lia href= Player/a/li
lia href= Media Player/a/li
lia href= Quicktime /a/li
lia href= Flash Player/a/li
pAny documents that are downloaded are done so at your own risk and Shropshire Tourism accepts no responsibility for damage to equipment/property as a result of downloading an item./p
P class=shropshirecolSTRONGa name=assist/aAssistive Technology/STRONG/P
LIA href= Lynx Viewer/A online text browser Lynx.
LIA href= Screen Reader/A download a free trial copy of the screen reader Jaws.
LIA href= Screen/A information on screen magnification software. /LI
LIa href= reads your website outloud./LI
pAny documents that are downloaded are done so at your own risk and Shropshire Tourism accepts no responsibility for damage to equipment/property as a result of downloading an item./p
p class=shropshirecola name=access/aAccess Keys /p
pAccess keys are keyboard shortcuts that provide an alternative navigation method. Access Keys can only be used on Microsoft Internet Explorer 4 or above and Netscape 6X versions. /p
pTo use Access Keys you should do the following /p
pFor Windows - press ALT + Accesskey then ENTER br
For Macintosh - press Control + Accesskey/p
pThis is the page that list the menu of accesskeys that are being used within the website and also lists the services that they link to. /p
pAccesskey 1 - Home page br
Accesskey 2 - About Shropshire br
Accesskey 3 - Site Map br
Accesskey 4 - Accommodation br
Accesskey 5 - Attractions br
Accesskey 6 - Events br
Accesskey 7 - Brochure Request br
Accesskey 8 - Tourist Infomation Centres br
Accesskey 9 - Keyword Searchbr
Accesskey a - Site Updatesbr
Accesskey b - Helpbr
Accesskey c - Contact Us /p
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