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The Hidden Highway through Shropshire

The Hidden Highway

Shropshire MapThe Hidden Highway is a carefully planned road route that threads its way through the romantic borderland of England and Wales. A large proportion of the route runs through Shropshire's beautful rolling countryside. Iron Age hill forts and medieval castles guard their ways into the hills, whilst picturesque black and white villages overlook fields of rich red earth and verdant hill pastures.

The traffic is light and the route mainly follows small country roads. This is a countryside where it is a sin to hurry, so leave the car and take to your feet occassionally to find those truly hidden places that will always be treasured in memory.


About the Maps

The guide features maps showing the various sections of the Hidden Highway, and a smaple of one is shown opposite together with a key. They are sufficiently detailed for navigation - but you may wish to supplement them with more detailed road maps.

Staying Overnight

If you are planning to travel all of the Hidden Highway through Shropshire, you will probably want to stay the night somewhere en-route. There are many wonderful places to stay en-route and you can find accommodation directly on the Shropshire Accommodation page of this website.

Use the series of links below to explore the different Shropshire towns along the Hidden Highway trail.

Clun - Ludlow

Ludlow - Clun

"Or come you home of Monday when Ludlow market hums..."
A.E. Housman, A Shropshire Lad

This part of the route takes you through the beautiful Shropshire town of Ludlow.

Click here to view the Trail

Shrewsbury - Craven Arms

Clun - Ludlow

"On Wenlock Edge the woods in trouble; His forest fleece the Wrekin heaves"
A.E. Housman, A Shropshire Lad

This part of the trail takes you through the Shropshire towns of Much Wenlock and Ironbridge.

Click here to view the Trail

Shrewsbury - Welshpool

Shrewsbury - Welshpool

"High the vanes of Shrewsbury gleam, Islanded in Severn Stream."
A. E. Housman, A Shropshire Lad

This part of the trail takes you through the Shropshire town of Shrewsbury.

Click here to view the Trail

Welshpool - Clun

Welshpool - Clun

"Clunton and Clunberry, Clungunford and Clun are the quietest places under the sun"
A.E. Housman, A Shropshire Lad

This part of the trail takes you through the towns of Clun, Bishop's Castle, Montgomery and Welshpool.

Click here to view the Trail

Oswestry - Welshpool

Oswestry - Welshpool

"A range of landscape scenery which, for variety beauty and grandeur, cannot be excelled in any part of the Kingdom."
William Cathrall 1856

This part of the trail takes you to the Shropshire Town of Oswestry.

Click here to view the Trail

Lake Vyrnwy


Lake Vyrnwy

This part of the trail takes you to the magnificent Lake Vyrnwy.

Click here to view the Trail


Llangollen - Oswestry

Llangollen - Oswestry

This part of the trail takes you from Llangollen to Ellesmere.

Click here to view the Trail

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Funding Support By: ERDF - European regional Development Fund; England Rural Development Programme &  The European Regional Development Fund

This site is operated by Shropshire Tourism with funding support from the European Regional Development Fund (objective 2).


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