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Shropshire for Groups

Suggested Shropshire Itineraries For Groups


This itinerary takes you around the beautiful countryside in North Shropshire and is perhaps for the slightly more active, with walks around the Mere in Ellesmere and then on to Llangollen where you can either take a trip on a canal boat or a steam train.

Accommodation Suggestions
Wynnstay Hotel
Moreton Park Lodge  
Click on the accommodation provider above for further information.

*Ellesmere will be signposted from both accommodation suggestions, from the Sweeney you will need to take the A5 towards Wrexham.

Boating on the Mere at Ellesmere10.00 Ellesmere
Ellesmere is a pretty market town with medieval streets, Georgian houses and half-timbered buildings. Set against the largest of the glacial meres in the area, the Mere is well worth a visit. There are a series of gently walks to take you around the Mere and through the Arboretum and Cremorne gardens. You'll find varied wildlife here that can be viewed fromv the Mere Visitor centre using CCTV.

12.30 Lunch suggestions
The Boathouse in Ellesmere

*From Ellesmere take the A495 back towards Oswestry, when you join the A5 take a right turn on the roundabout towards Wrexham. After Mcdonalds take a left turn and follow the A5 to Llangollen.

2.30 Llangollen
Llangollen is an ancient market town situated in the Dee Valley on the banks of the River Dee. Your group can take a cruise on a canal boat on the Llangollen canal or a trip through the valley on a steam train. (Extra time will be required if wanting to do both activities).

Llangollen CanalTime permitting your group can take a walk around the town or down by the riverside. There are several places in the town where afternoon tea can be taken, Bishop Trevor Tea Rooms Tel: 01978 860060, Cottage Tea Rooms Tel: 01978 860976 and The Corn Mill
01978 869555

Contact Llangollen Tourist Information Centre for more information,
Email: llangollen.tic@virgin.netTel: 01978 860828
Llangollen Wharf – www.horsedrawnboats.co.uk Tel:+44(0)1978 860702

Tourist Information

Oswestry Town Tourist Information Centre
01691 662753

Oswestry Mile End Tourist Information Centre
Tel: 01691 662488
Email: oswestry.tourism@oswestry-bc.gov.uk

For more Itinerary Suggestions please return to the Shropshire for Groups page.

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Funding Support By: ERDF - European regional Development Fund; England Rural Development Programme &  The European Regional Development Fund

This site is operated by Shropshire Tourism with funding support from the European Regional Development Fund (objective 2).


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