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Shropshire for Groups

Suggested Shropshire Itineraries For Groups


Ludlow is one of England’s best preserved historic towns. With it’s 500 listed buildings and ruined castle dating back to 1086, the market town is often called England’s ‘most perfect historic town’.

The small market town of Ludlow is Shropshire’s gastronomic town, with two Michelin Star restaurants and many more restaurants offering award winning food. The annual Ludlow Marches Food & Drink Festival takes place in the Castle grounds each September with a local produce market taking place every second Thursday of the month in Castle Square.

The Castle also plays host to a variety of events throughout the year including the famed Ludlow Festival in June/July and the Medieval Christmas Fayre in November.

Ludlow has many shopping opportunities, including antiques, galleries and specialist food & drink shops situated within the town’s variety of narrow streets and alleyways.

Coach Parking: Smithfield ( long term coach parking )

Setting Down Point: Castle Square

Places to Eat:
The Cookhouse, Bromfield Road
Tel: 01584 856565
Situated off the A49, 5-10 minutes out of town, north of Ludlow town centre.
DeGreys, Broad Street
Tel: 01584 872764
Town centre location
Unicorn Inn, Lower Corve Street
Tel: 01584 873555
Town centre location


Public Conveniences:
Castle Street Car Park
(disabled facilities)
Smithfield Car Park, Lower Galdeford (disabled facilities)
Upper Galdeford Car Park
by Somerfield (disabled facilities)

Tourist Information:
Ludlow Tourist Information Centre
Castle Square
Tel: 01584 875053

Places of Interest:

LudlowLudlow Castle: The 900 year old Castle is one of the most interesting in the Welsh Marches and features examples of architecture from the Norman, Tudor and Medieval periods.

The Castle is the setting for the annual Ludlow Festival and its open air performances of a Shakespearean production.

St Laurence’s Church: The Parish Church of St. Laurence is one of the largest in the country. Mostly rebuilt in the mid-15th century, although some earlier features still stand.

River Teme & Linney: The Linney Riverside Park offers the chance to relax beneath the Castle on the bank of the River Teme. There is a picnic area and children’s playground.

Ludlow Assembley Rooms: The town’s entertainment venue holds regular art exhibitions, which are open 10am-4pm daily.

For more Itinerary Suggestions please return to the Shropshire for Groups page.

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This site is operated by Shropshire Tourism with funding support from the European Regional Development Fund (objective 2).


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