On The Trail of The Real King Arthur in Shropshire 
The King
Arthur Trail will take you arround various locations throughout
Shropshire. You can find out more about the locations featured
in the King
Arthur trail by using the links below:-
To view a map of the King Arthur trail route,
please click here
To view King Arthur Trail Map One, please
click here
To view King Arthur Trail Map Two, please
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To view King Arthur Trail Map Three,
please click here
On the Trail of King Arthur in Shropshire - Trail 1 |
Following Arthurs death around 520AD civil war appears to have broken out between his rival heirs. His son Cuneglasus possibly left Wroxeter for the more defensible site of the Wrekin.
Much Wenlock Priory
Early welsh poetry suggests that the treasures of Powys were hidden at Much Wenlcok Priory. The treasure being seemingly the Crown Jewels of King Arthur himself.
On the Trail of King Arthur in Shropshire - Trail 2 |
Caer Caradoc - Excalibur & Avalon
In the ledgend of the magical Cauldron of Di-wrnach, the cauldron is said to contain the treasures of Britain and a magical sword. The Cauldron is said to lie hidden in Caradoc's Cave below the summit of Caer Caradoc.
Mitchell's Fold Stone Circle |
Mitchell's Fold Stone Circle - The Sword in the Stone
Arthur is thought to have become king by drawing the sword from the stone. According to the eighteenth century antiqarian William Stukeley, local folklore sites this event at Mitchell's Fold Stone Circle.
Old Oswestry Hill Fort - Guinevere's Home
Although the Welsh name for Old Oswestry Hill Fort means the Old City, there is an alternative name of Caer Ogyrfan which translates as the City of Gogyrfan. Gogyrfan was the legendary father of Guinevere.
Whittington Castle - In Search Of The Holy Grail
Pain Perevil, who built whittington castle, was married to Lynette the granddaughter of the Welsh baron Cadfarch, a direct descendant of Owain Ddantgwyn (Arthur). The romance also portrays Whittington Castle as as the hiding place of the Holy Grail which was said to have been kept in the chapel.
On the Trail of King Arthur in Shropshire - Trail 3 |
Hawkstone Park - Knights Battle Giants And The Grail Is Discovered
The Grotto at Hawkstone Park has also been linked with the Grail. In 1920 a small stone cup was found hidden in the base of an eagle statue that then stood in the Grotto.
Rowleys House Museum - Wroxeter Finds
Rowley’s House Museum in Shrewsbury displays many of the Roman finds from Wroxeter, including a silver mirror, the only one of its kind yet discovered, and the Emperor Hadrian’s inscription from the Wroxeter forum.
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