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Shropshire Accommodation

Shropshire Self Catering Accommodation

Shropshire offers a wide range of calming self catering establishments for our weary, contemplative pilgrims.

Self Catering Search

Select the star rating you are looking for, the area or town where you want to stay in Shropshire and then select the type of accommodation you would like (i.e. hotel, B&B, guesthouse, self-catering) and let us do the rest.

If you have very specific search requirements such as accessibility, you might like to try our advanced accommodation search

Shropshire Map North Shropshire Telford and Ironbridge Bridgnorth Oswestry Shrewsbury South Shropshire

Please select the type(s) of accommodation that you are looking for.

Guesthouses, Bed & Breakfasts & Farms
Inn & Restaurants with Rooms
Self Catering
Caravan & Camping
Hostels & Bunkhouses

Please select the rating(s) of accommodation that you are looking for.

All Diamonds Stars 1 - 2 Diamonds Stars 3 - 4 Diamonds Stars 5 Diamonds Stars Ratings Explained

Please select the area(s) of Shropshire that you are looking for.



Please select the Shropshire district(s) or town(s) that you are looking for.

Oswestry & the Surrounding Area North Shropshire & the Surrounding Area
Market Drayton
Shrewsbury & the Surrounding Area Telford & Ironbridge Area
South Shropshire Area Bridgnorth & Surrounding Area
Bishop's Castle
Church Stretton
Cleobury Mortimer
Craven Arms
Bridgnorth Town
Much Wenlock
Herefordshire & Worcester Area Welsh Borders Area

If you have a preference as to if your accommodation is in the town centre or countryside, please tick the relevant box from the options below.

In Town Centre In Countryside

If you have very specific search requirements such as accessibility, you might like to try our advanced accommodation search

Self Catering Accommodation in Shropshire

For those wanting the subtly slow pace of life that a Shropshire self catering cottage can offer, you have come to the right place.

Tucked away in every nook and crannie of Shropshire are our charming country towns. From medieval Shrewsbury, to hi-tech Telford, from the spectacular mere's of Ellesmere in North Shropshire to the World heritage site of Ironbridge. Come and discover the joys of a refreshing, unhurried stay at one of our many holiday cottages.

Surrounded by some of our fabulous Shropshire scenery, (some of the finest in the kingdom, - but then we would say that!) you can't fail but to be impressed.

Our hostelries cater for indivduals or groups and our tourist information centres are more than happy to provide you with all the information about the very best things to see, local events, attractions, and places to eat.

So what type of Self Catering property are you looking to stay in?

In Shropshire we are lucky, we can accommodate you in an impressive range of enticing places. Be it a cottage, a flat or apartment, a converted barn or stable or even on our working farms.

This tantalizing and seductive accommodation is available throughout the towns of Shropshire. This includes Bishops Castle, Bridgnorth, Church Stretton, Cleobury Mortimer, Clun, Craven Arms, Ellesmere, Ironbridge, Ludlow, Market Drayton, Much Wenlock, Oswestry, Shrewsbury, Telford, Wem and Whitchurch.

Of course, all our accommodation is independently inspected and graded so quality can be assured.

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Funding Support By: ERDF - European regional Development Fund; England Rural Development Programme &  The European Regional Development Fund

This site is operated by Shropshire Tourism with funding support from the European Regional Development Fund (objective 2).


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