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Anthony Gormley, The Field

Shropshire Events & Whats On Guide

Shropshire Events
Clun Green Man Day
Shropshire Events
Ludlow Festival
Much Wenlock Olympics
Much Wenlock Olympics
Shropshire Events
Shrewsbury Kite Festival

Welcome to the Shropshire events page, your guide to what’s on throughout the county to impress and amuse you. We have festivals, carnivals, fairs, shows and exhibitions throughout Shropshire, all year round.

Whatever time of year you happen to be travelling around Shropshire, chances are you'll bump into some sort of event, fair or festival in progress. It's that sort of place.

In Aston-on-Clun, they've been tree-dressing to celebrate the Restoration of Charles II (and his occupancy of another local tree) every year since 1786. Newer events include the Shrewsbury Flower Festival, at a mere 112 years old; the Tales From The Edge storytelling extravagansa at Much Wenlock - now an international event; and even the Biggest Liar in Shropshire Competition (no, it's true - honestly!).

There are country fairs, street carnivals, transport and heritage rallies, walking festivals, festivals of music and art, and plenty of opportunities to indulge in our local food and drink. Events are everywhere, a real celebration of our Shropshire way of life - so why not join us? Here's just a pointer to the sort of things you can get up to...

Bangers and Mash

If you like firework displays - big beautiful ones with lots of noise - you don't have to wait until November. They can be found at the Shrewsbury Flower Show in August and at many other outdoor concerts including Attingham Park.

So where's the mash? Well, at the Ludlow Food Festival of course, an international celebration of our local food - a gourmet's delight. More local food can be tasted and purchased at Church Stretton's Food and Drink Fayre in July. And even more drink can be drunk at the beer festivals in Bishops Castle, Shrewsbury and even Clun (so, not always "the quietest under the sun"). There are also Farmers Markets throughout the year in nearly every town.

Fair Share of Festivals

The town of Bridgnorth hosts the English Haydn Music Festival in May. Then there is the Ludlow Festival in June and July, with floodlit performances of Shakespeare plays in the castle and a three week programme of street art and activities. Shrewsbury also has a summer season which includes music, visual arts and a cartoon festival.

And even more art can be found at the Church Stretton & South Shropshire Arts Festival in July. But we're not stuffy in Shropshire, as the annual "V" Festival at Weston Park shows. It's always popular so book early.

Look out for Operation Home Front in Oswestry, which marks the 60th anniversary of the end of the war - many emotional reunions expected. There's a Michaelmas Fair in Bishops Castle and they also have a Lammas Fair too (Don't know what that is? Better go to Bishops Castle in August to find out - they have been around for over 900 years, apparently).

Talking of festivals - we even have festivals of talking. Alongside the international Tales From the Edge storytelling festival held in July, there's a new Winter's Edge festival in February.

Flower Power, Horse Power, or Hobson's Choice

Shropshire is renowned for its floral bloomings; the Shrewsbury Flower Show will tickle the nostrils and stimulate the eyes of the most green-fingered among you. The National Gardens Scheme also flourishes in our fertile soil.

There's heavy horse power at Acton Scott and steam power at the Severn Valley Railway, the Shrewsbury Steam Rally and at Ironbridge. And other vintage rallies also celebrate the transport of yesteryear.

But if you feel the need to be more active, we even have festivals of walking. How does the Cleobury Mortimer Midsummer Walking Festival grab you? There's also one in Bishops Castle. And there are town trails, guided walks, ghost trails, murder and mayhem too. Shropshire on foot - marvellous.

So celebrate Shropshire with us.


Use the mechanism below to search for the best Shropshire Events taking place during your trip.


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Shropshire Map North Shropshire Telford and Ironbridge Bridgnorth Oswestry Shrewsbury South Shropshire

Please select the type(s) of event that you are looking for.

Darwin Festival Music, Dance & Theatre
Festivals, Fetes & Fairs
Exhibitions, Workshops & Ceremonys
Carnival & Shows
Competition & Games
Guided Walks & Other Events

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Please select the Shropshire district(s) or town(s) that you are looking for.

Oswestry & the Surrounding Area North Shropshire & the Surrounding Area
Market Drayton
Shrewsbury & the Surrounding Area Telford & Ironbridge Area
South Shropshire Area Bridgnorth & Surrounding Area
Bishop's Castle
Church Stretton
Cleobury Mortimer
Craven Arms
Bridgnorth Town
Much Wenlock
Herefordshire & Worcester Area Welsh Borders Area


Please select the month(s) that you would like to search for.





Please click the links for more information about Shropshire Towns:

Districts & Towns | North Shropshire | South Shropshire | Bridgnorth | Ironbridge | Ludlow | Oswestry | Shrewsbury | Telford

If you are organising an event in Shropshire for visitors you can request that your event be added to the website by clicking here

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Funding Support By: ERDF - European regional Development Fund; England Rural Development Programme &  The European Regional Development Fund

This site is operated by Shropshire Tourism with funding support from the European Regional Development Fund (objective 2).


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