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Views from the Stiperstones
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Shropshire is superb walking country with over 3,500 miles of rights of way underfoot.

Walking on the Long Mynd

There are long distance and circular walks that pick up villages and inns, sights and places of interest. Trace the history of our market towns along town trails.

Follow in the footsteps of famous writers, explore historic sites which have changed the world, stroll from the stations along the Severn Valley Railway, find remote castles and hill forts peopled with the ghosts of Celts and pagans.

Walking in Shropshire

Need some direction ?

The Long Mynd Access Map is available from the National Trust. At weekends and Bank Holidays a shuttle bus will take you from Church Stretton to Carding Mill Valley and the Long Mynd. Shuttle up and walk back - it's the smart way to do it.

Along Wenlock Edge the National Trust provides walking route maps from leaflet dispensers at car parks.

Circular walks around the Meres of North Shropshire can be obtained from the Meres Visitor Centre in Ellesmere.

There are six heritage walks from Oswestry into the surrounding countryside.

The Secret Hills Discovery Centre at Craven Arms can give you a virtual balloon ride over Shropshire and is the start point for a series of walks into the Shropshire hills.
Dog Walking in ShropshireLong Distance Walks include:-

Other books and leaflets are available from many of our Tourist Information Centres


Shropshire Walking WebsiteFor more information about Walking in and around Shropshire, be sure to visit the Shropshire Walking website.

The site allows visitors to search for a route by name and using specific criteria such as, short walks, long walks and walks for people of above average fitness.

The website features a number of key walks around the county and the surrounding area and is definately well worth a visit.



Further Information


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Funding Support By: ERDF - European regional Development Fund; England Rural Development Programme &  The European Regional Development Fund

This site is operated by Shropshire Tourism with funding support from the European Regional Development Fund (objective 2).


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